Coaching for Success

I’m Garth Spiers, creator of the Masterclass in High Impact Communication. I and my team of coaches have helped thousands of executives and individual entrepreneurs bring about transformation in their business and personal life.

Impact Coaching will help you:


We help you apply the techniques that are shown in the Masterclass to improve your communications, leadership and influence, in order to make you world class in your field and build success FAST.

Up until now, having to use the phone or even Skype to coach communication and influencing skills was difficult because of the subtleties of body language. Not any longer.  By relying on the language and structures of impact shown in the Masterclass, we are able to guide and coach with clear and effective frameworks.

This Masterclass in High Impact Communication is the first eLearning programme to make it easy. WE SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT. Using film and graphics you see, hear and understand how to be emotionally expressive, have dramatic impact and put your message across with a powerful, logical structure. The coach’s job is to help you integrate this into your own specific situation fast.

This language and ‘how-to’ of Impact shown in the Masterclass now makes coaching on the phone or Zoom easy, effective and fast. Our coaches use this language to help you apply these techniques in your own real project or business situation so that you can

  • make world class presentations and get standing ovations
  • influence key people in meetings, one:one or on the phone
  • win the negotiation and get more sales
  • be successful in job interviews
  • handle conflict and build positive work relationships
  • improve performance of yourself and others
  • gain unshakeable confidence


The reason for this is that the coaching is much faster and effective when you know the language and skills of High Impact Communication.





For Managers, Technical Specialists, Leaders and Entrepreneurs

 On the phone or Zoom

1 hour sessions

Either a “1 off” session or 4 sessions spread over a month

Are You Dreading That:

  • big presentation you’ve got to give?
  • difficult meeting coming up?
  • important pitch to a big client?
  • awful bout of nerves hitting you when you think of going for the job interview
  • or is it some “people” issues that just don’t seem to go away

Take Charge. Prepare Now.

Be in control

Feel confident

Be successful

See your amazed colleagues say




For C-suite Leaders and Top Entrepreneurs

Real Live Coaching Face to Face

We Come To You or You Can Come To Us

In a private and confidential setting, tailored to fit exactly your requirements and deliver the goals you’re after.

Leadership is the exercise of power to get results. We help you get the results you want and more: be seen as a world class leader and communicator. When you lead in a way that has positive impact you release the talents and commitment of others. Within the company you build a culture of empowerment.

Outside it you are seen as a role model who builds an attractive brand and makes it come alive. We start with the skills of the Masterclass and then go beyond them. We help you develop an Impact leadership style having vocal authority and a compelling presence. We help you develop modern strategic impact skills for implementing successful business transformation initiatives.

You learn these skills while applying them to your own real projects, challenges and situations.

You and others will notice massive transformation in the way you:

  • give key note speeches
  • handle top meetings and negotiations
  • influence individuals & teams and handle conflict
  • build relationships and a culture of empowerment
  • design and implement successful strategic initiatives

So that you are seen as a world class leader and communicator.



1 Hour Coaching Sessions

on Phone or Zoom


Prices have been slashed during the launch period. They will soon be going back up.

Please get in quick before they do.

Now (for a short time)


This is for a 1 off session of 1 hour coaching. Very useful for a one-off emergency coaching session for example to help prepare for an urgent, important upcoming event.

However, you can buy more than one session at a time.

If you buy 4 sessions of 1 hour spread over 1 month, the price is


You get email support throughout the month. This is for you if you want more in-depth support and Impact Coaching to achieve long term personal and business goals.

To access either a 1 off coaching session, or 4 sessions of 1 hour each spread over a month please send me an email letting me know your

(1) contact details

(2) phone number and Skype

(3) several times/dates when you are available to have a free 30 min initial discussion

(4) your time zone 

(5) the main problems you want to improve

(6) whether you want a 1 off session or 4 sessions spread over a month.

Send email to  and I or one of our team will call you back to have a chat about your requirements.

This call will be approximately 30 minutes. At the end of it you will be crystal clear about your goals (if you’re not already) and what holds you back as well as a plan of how the impact coaching will help you achieve success. After that if you want to go ahead, we will send you to a booking page for payment and your coaching session(s) will begin at an agreed time convenient to us both.


In-Person: We Come To You or You come to Us

Min session 2 hrs


Click below to have a conversation about your requirements before you get this coaching.

Please send an email stating

(1) Contact details and postal address

(2) Phone number

(3) The company name and web page

(4) Your role and position in the company

(5) The main problem(s) you want to improve

(6) Time zone

(7) Several times/dates when you are available to have a free 30 min initial discussion

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