It boils down to 3 core competencies:
Learn these 3 and be world class in all business communications such as public speaking, leadership, negotiations, meetings, job interviews, building relationships and many others; whether you’re physically present, on the phone or in a virtual conference. When you integrate this approach with the demands of your business it will transform your organisation.
How To Get Impact For Business and Personal Success
Learn Impact
- On-Line Video and high production film sequences to SHOW you how to put IMPACT into your communications make you confident, credible and compelling
- Use these exact methods to get standing ovations, win contracts, get promoted, manage change, handle difficult meetings, build your charisma.
Apply Impact
- To get results FAST
- We help you apply the language and techniques of the Masterclass in your own specific situation
- For individuals physically present, on phone or Zoom
- Elite Programme: we come to you.
Experience Impact
- Get practical business results and personal transformation FAST
- Bring your own real projects or problems; use them to practise the skills of impact and find solutions that you can communicate and implement back at work
- See yourself embody the core competencies of Logic, Emotions and Drama. Experience freedom from fear to make a difference and be seen as a world class communicator.
Install Impact
- Introduce Proven Impact Methodologies in your company
- How to use the online Masterclass to Install a Culture of Impact with Blended Learning, cascaded throughout your company
- How to install Personal Impact into the management of change and make it successful
- How to use Impact methodologies to develop your leadership, teamworking, negotiations, sales…
“Disney has magic. Garth is magic.”

Success comes from the impact you have on others. It’s no longer enough to be good at your job. You must also have the ability to relate and communicate with integrity so you stand out from the crowd, get promoted, win the contract or inspire the audience.

Some situations make us nervous and we came across shy, boring, aggressive or pompous. But the skills you get in this online Masterclass will give you control over these situations and freedom from fear so that you can be confident, credible and compelling.

Charisma consists of skills and attitudes that everyone can learn. The key to it is contained in your Emotional Expressiveness. This omline Masterclass tells you what it is and SHOWS you how to do it so that everyone who sees you will just say “wow”.

In this online Masterclass we show you the logic, emotions and drama of influence. You will learn how to touch the hearts and minds of others and bring about change.This is communication dynamite. And they won’t know how you do it.

Packed full of films to SHOW you HOW to do it. Packed full of text to EXPLAIN the techniques. Packed full of exercises so you can practise till you GET IT. And loads of quizzes to make sure you’ve GOT IT.

This online Masterclass is focused entirely on YOU. Because we urge you to bring your own real problems, relevant to you and join in. Use them to practise the skills of impact, and communicate solutions in the real world to bring about the success you want.